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Home - News - General Administration of Customs: In April, China imported 380,000 tons of unforged rolled aluminum and aluminum

General Administration of Customs: In April, China imported 380,000 tons of unforged rolled aluminum and aluminum

May 22, 2024
According to the latest data from the General Administration of Customs, in April 2024, China exported 520,000 tons of unforged rolled aluminum and aluminum, an increase of 12.9%. From January to April, the cumulative export of 2 million tons, an increase of 8.8%.
In April, China exported 130,000 tons of alumina, an increase of 78.8%; From January to April, the cumulative export of 550,000 tons, an increase of 46.1%.
In April, China imported 380,000 tons of unforged rolled aluminum and aluminum, an increase of 72.1%. From January to April, the cumulative import of 1.49 million tons, an increase of 86.6%.
In April, China imported 14.24 million tons of aluminum ore and concentrates, up 18.8% year on year; From January to April, the cumulative import of aluminum ore and concentrate 50.5 million tons, an increase of 6.2%.
#Aluminum import and export