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Home - News - Yuefeng Aluminum won the "Manufacturing single champion enterprise" award again

Yuefeng Aluminum won the "Manufacturing single champion enterprise" award again

May 29, 2024
On May 14, at the 2024 Manufacturing Single Champion Enterprise Experience Exchange meeting hosted by the China Federation of Industrial Economics, Yuefeng Aluminum won the "Manufacturing Single Champion Enterprise" award again with its excellent technological innovation ability and market influence.
Manufacturing individual champion enterprises refer to long-term focus on certain segments of the manufacturing product market, the production technology or process of the international leader, a single product market share in the global or domestic forefront enterprises. With its excellent technological innovation ability, market influence and excellent product quality, Yuefeng Aluminum successfully passed the review of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and once again won this top honor in the manufacturing industry.
#Yuefeng Aluminum #Individual champion