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Home - News - Jiangsu Yuefeng Group Co., Ltd. was rated as "AAAAA Enterprise with standardized Good Behavior".

Jiangsu Yuefeng Group Co., Ltd. was rated as "AAAAA Enterprise with standardized Good Behavior".

June 2, 2023
The Standardization Association of Jiangsu Province organized an expert group to evaluate and confirm the standardization good behavior of Yuefeng Group in May 2023. According to the evaluation criteria, it was finally rated as "AAAAA enterprise with standardized good behavior". This is the highest level of standardized good behavior.
Since 2013, Yuefeng Group has actively carried out standardized good behavior activities and was rated as "AAAA level Enterprise with standardized good behavior", which passed the review in 2016. "Enterprise Standard System" series of national standards after the release of the new version, Yuefeng Group attaches great importance to the standard system, according to the requirements of the new content, continuous improvement of the standard system, a new number of legal and contract management, brand and corporate culture, administrative management and other new standards.
Up to now, Yuefeng Group standard system has a total of 879 technical standards, 420 management standards, 351 work standards, a total of 1650, can meet the needs of production, operation and service activities. As a national standardization pilot unit, Yuefeng Group actively participates in standardization activities at home and abroad, leading and participating in the revision of more than 100 national standards, industrial standards, local standards and group standards.
Obtaining the AAAAA certification of good standardization is the recognition of Yuefeng Group's production process and all production workshops in line with the current standardization work. It also marks the high recognition of Yuefeng Group from all walks of life in the aspects of technology, quality and service for more than 30 years. Based on the standardization system, Yuefeng Group will continue to carry out the work of solidifying standards, implementing standards and improving standards, so that Yuefeng standards will continue to lead the industry benchmark!
(www.profiles-aluminum.com; sales@profiles-aluminum.com).