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Home - News - The aluminum alloy component project of Jiangsu Yuefeng Aluminum Industry realizes the "start on the spot".

The aluminum alloy component project of Jiangsu Yuefeng Aluminum Industry realizes the "start on the spot".

June 2, 2023
On May 30, the first major scientific and technological project in Yangzhou -- Yuefeng aluminum alloy component project successfully realized the "start on the spot". This project was signed on the site of the opening ceremony of this year's "Fireworks March" festival. From the signing of the project to the delisting of the land, from the design to the application of the construction permit, it successfully realized the "issuance of five certificates" in just two months, completed the approval of the whole process of the project construction, and realized the signing of the contract and the commencement of production in that year.
The project is located in the industrial concentration area of Chenji Town, Yizheng City, covering an area of about 24 mu, with a total investment of 160 million yuan, including 100 million yuan of fixed assets investment and 60 million yuan of equipment investment. The project construction, production and ancillary rooms are about 13,000 square meters, and domestic advanced production lines are set up, mainly engaged in the production and sales of various aluminum alloy components. The products are mainly used in high-speed rail, aviation and other high-tech fields, and the annual production capacity of 20,000 tons of aluminum alloy components can be formed after reaching the production capacity. As the main body of investment, Jiangsu Yuefeng Aluminum Co., Ltd. attaches great importance to research and development at the beginning of its establishment. The investment of scientific research has reached 8 million yuan, and several highly skilled experts have been hired to set up a high-quality professional scientific research team of about 20 people, who are dedicated to the research and development of process materials and independent inventions.
In order to speed up the project landing, the town two level agency team involved in advance, take the initiative to door-to-door publicity "land is to start" process and program, the first time "tailored" to develop personalized approval program, in the project planning stage, the required approval matters for the full guidance, in the land waiting stage, the parallel approval of various functional departments, capacity and lack of acceptance, in the land delisted after the "publicity period", Complete the payment of fees and the collection of contracts, transform the "waiting period" before land acquisition into the "accelerating period" of project promotion, and help enterprises to reduce materials, links and time to the maximum extent, so as to realize "zero waiting" for project commencement. The efficiency of "five certificates" can not be achieved overnight. The Municipal Bureau of Administrative Examination and Approval constantly explores subtraction in the examination and approval process, addition in the service process, and actively implements reform measures such as "notification commitment + parallel examination and approval + advance service + acceptance of capacity and absence" with various functional departments. It shifts from passive acceptance to active service, and extends from "window" examination and approval to "site survey". Continuously refresh the "speed of signs".
(www.profiles-aluminum.com; sales@profiles-aluminum.com).