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Home - News - Shandong: Support excellent backbone enterprises to develop aluminum CNC machining industry

Shandong: Support excellent backbone enterprises to develop aluminum CNC machining industry

May 5, 2023
The People's government of Shandong Province recently issued a notice on the implementation opinions on promoting high-quality development of the real economy and the third batch of policy list of "improving stability and improving quality" in 2023, which mentioned promoting the strong chain of traditional industries. We carried out a rolling "10,000 technological upgrading and transformation of 10,000 enterprises", compiled a list of technological upgrading projects, accelerated the spread of advanced and applicable technologies, and promoted the transformation and upgrading of key industries with "one industry and one policy". We will focus on metallurgy, chemicals, light industry, building materials, textiles and clothing, machinery and equipment, and promote revolution in production techniques, intensive product processing, and green and low-carbon transformation. We will optimize the layout of key industries, support the construction of two steel industry bases in Japan, Linlin and Lai-Thai, and develop high value-added products such as high-strength structural steel for automobiles, spare steel for Marine tooling and high-quality stainless steel as well as downstream deep processing industries. We will support outstanding backbone enterprises in developing the deep processing industry of aluminum, and improve their competitive advantages in automotive aluminum, rail transit aluminum, aerospace aluminum, and other fields. We will formulate a development plan for the petrochemical industry, build a world-class high-end petrochemical base, accelerate the construction of high-end petrochemical projects such as the integration of refining and chemical industry on Jurong Island, and strive to include more projects in the national planning.
(www.profiles-aluminum.com; sales@profiles-aluminum.com).