The Spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce's remarks on the US announcement of restrictions on Chinese steel and aluminum products
April 22, 2024
Q: On April 17, the US White House posted a statement on its website, accusing China of unfair practices and announcing plans to impose new restrictions on Chinese steel and aluminum products, including tripling the 301 tariff on Chinese steel and aluminum products to the current level, and cooperating with neighboring countries to prevent indirect exports of Chinese steel and aluminum products to the US. What is the response of the Commerce Ministry?
A: China has noted relevant information. The US accusations against China are groundless and the relevant measures are typical unilateralism and protectionism, to which China firmly opposes.
Since 2018, in the name of "national security", the United States has selectively imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum products of its global trading partners, and has also coerced trading partners to accept unfair conditions, which has been opposed by many WTO members. The relevant measures taken by the US side have been ruled by the WTO as violating WTO rules.
The US side has ignored the international economic and trade order and rules, politicized economic and trade issues, abused the so-called 301 tariff review process, publicly demanded arbitrary adjustment of tariffs on Chinese products, and shifting the contradiction. This is a mistake made again and again, and will not help solve the problems faced by US industries. Putting pressure on other countries to restrict Chinese products will undermine the security and stability of the global industrial chain and supply chain.
We urge the US side to face up to its own problems, stop raising tariffs on Chinese products and immediately cancel the additional tariffs. China will take all necessary measures to safeguard its own rights and interests.