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Home - News - Yuefeng Aluminum obtained Nadcap Heat treatment Special process certification for 18 months cycle award

Yuefeng Aluminum obtained Nadcap Heat treatment Special process certification for 18 months cycle award

May 15, 2024
Recently, the company received good news from the United States PRI certification company: Yuefeng Aluminum successfully obtained Nadcap heat treatment special process certification 18-month cycle award.
The audit covered roller bottom quenching furnaces, box furnaces, and air cushion continuous furnaces, covering three different processes. In the audit preparation stage, Yuefeng Aluminum organization business backbone, through special training, point-to-point guidance AC7000 series inspection list and AMS2772, AMS2750 and other standards, the audit basis internalized in the heart; Through strict revision of heat treatment specifications, high temperature measurement specifications, special regulations and record forms, the learning results are solidified in the system; Through rigorous field tests such as SAT (system accuracy), TUS (furnace temperature uniformity), quench uniformity, quench effectiveness, etc., Nadcap audit requirements are externalized to ensure that the Nadcap heat treatment special process audit process is based on and done.
During the audit, the United States PRI certification company fully recognized the rectification work of the Nadcap heat treatment special process certification of East Light, and granted Yuefeng Aluminum a certification cycle of up to 18 months (the normal certification cycle is 12 months). Through Nadcap heat treatment special process certification, marking Yuefeng aluminum heat treatment process in the industry's leading position, Yuefeng Aluminum in the key areas of aluminum alloy products market layout has a broad and far-reaching significance, for the construction of a world-class excellent light alloy processing enterprises to provide strong support.
#Yuefeng Aluminum #Nadcap certification