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Home - News - Yuxi City promotes the construction of safety production risk monitoring and early warning system for aluminum processing enterprises

Yuxi City promotes the construction of safety production risk monitoring and early warning system for aluminum processing enterprises

June 6, 2023
Yuxi Emergency Bureau actively implements the new requirements of development, guarantees the new development pattern with the new safety pattern, takes the digital transformation of manufacturing industry as an opportunity, deeply integrates the "seven aluminum" specifications of the Ministry of Emergency Management, and carries out the construction of "Industrial Internet + safety production" monitoring and early warning system in aluminum processing (deep well casting) enterprises.
Aluminum processing (deep well casting) enterprise safety production risk monitoring and early warning pilot construction is the implementation of the Ministry of Emergency Management of industrial and trade safety production special rectification "100 days of zero action" innovative means, the municipal emergency bureau actively carried out expert technical guidance services, the city of 2 aluminum processing (deep well casting) enterprises in the current intelligent, information construction and safety production status of a comprehensive survey. Combined with the actual situation of enterprises, guide enterprises to clarify the construction of risk monitoring and early warning system ideas, orderly promote the construction of safety production risk monitoring and early warning system, build new capabilities such as rapid perception, real-time monitoring, advance warning, emergency disposal and system evaluation of safety production of aluminum processing enterprises, and improve the automation and intelligent level of monitoring and control measures of liquid aluminum leakage. To the beginning of May, Yunnan Zhuyuan Aluminum Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. actively compared the "industrial and trade aluminum processing (deep well casting) enterprise safety production risk monitoring and early warning system data access specifications" (trial second edition) aluminum processing (deep well casting) enterprise basic data, real-time data access requirements, video access requirements and early warning push data and other related modules, Most of the risk monitoring and early warning modules have been preliminarily established, and the system construction has achieved initial results.
Through information management, the operation of the casting workshop is standardized, visualized and intelligent, and the enterprise realizes the transformation from experience-led to intelligent development, which greatly improves the safety management efficiency and essential safety level in the melting and casting process of aluminum processing enterprises, and the ability to prevent and resolve major safety risks has also been qualitatively improved.
(www.profiles-aluminum.com; sales@profiles-aluminum.com).